s if Justin Bieber's notoriety couldn't deteriorate, the Sorry vocalist just goes and punches an exposed fan in the mouth.
Bieber was being headed to his gig scene in Barcelona when a fan got excessively risky and got a knuckle sandwich in the face.
The Spanish fan, who is accepted to be a minor, ventured back in sheer ghastliness in the wake of understanding his face was dying. As should be obvious from the this clasp, the kid was truly confounded and disturbed.
As different fans gathered around the kid, one asked,
"Who did that to you, Justin?"
Police have affirmed they won't be seeking after an examination unless the fan records a formal dissension.
As the kid did not require restorative consideration, the demonstration is not being viewed as a wrongdoing.
Perhaps next time the diehard fan will figure out how to stay away. A representative for the Mossos d'Esquadra affirmed early today: "What's happened here is the thing that would be viewed as a wrongdoing instead of a wrongdoing."
It would seem that the artist got off gently this time… Oh Bieber, don't think little of the energy of an iPhone and online networking!
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